Posted by: Glenelg Guitar Studio | May 10, 2016

What do I learn next ?

What do I learn next ?. That’s a very common question from students of all ages and ability levels and although there’s a huge amount of music available, sometimes the sheer volume makes it hard for the student to know what they can learn or what piece will further their learning.

Well, as current students will know that’s where I come in as a teacher with many years of experience. There are many pieces of music that students can learn in all genres, however, there are also a few very well known pieces that are not only memorable, but quite easy to learn and involve excellent learning drills.

In the coming months I will be putting out short videos on pieces that everyone could learn to play, either finger picking as part of your classical learning or with a plectrum as part of your modern guitar learning. These will not be a how to do it style video, but more a prompt for you to see the varied pieces that can be played at your level.

The project had to start somewhere so I have chosen that classic introduction piece, House of the Rising Sun, by the Animals. I’m sure everyone would have heard this one and it’s quite easy to learn.

Over time I will be able to build up a list on the website so that current and future students can easily look at a few ideas for pieces to learn. So check out the video and see if “House of the Rising Sun” needs to be on your playlist.



  1. Hey Leigh, Loving still getting your emails! I have been getting the odd gig playing jazz with some friends and playing acoustic pop with my girlfriend. Hope you’re going well. Thanks, Pete

    Sent from my iPhone


    • Hi Pete,
      Thanks for keeping in touch. I appreciate the feed back about the posts. Am pleased to hear your still playing and doing gigs.

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