Posted by: Glenelg Guitar Studio | April 8, 2020

Guitar vs Virus


We are certainly in unusual times at present with many students, both young and old, having a massive change of work and study routine due to the Covid19 pandemic. It seems that the measures undertaken in Australia are holding the spread down and we hope that this continues into the future.

I have a few suggestions to help my Guitar Students during this time. Firstly in relation to “Guitar Health”, make sure that you give your guitar a good clean. I don’t mean with soap and water or sanitiser but with one of the many fretboard cleaners available from your local music store.

If you don’t have that on hand then a simple wipe over with a clean damp cloth will suffice. Remember to wash your hands before and after the cleaning process. Also make sure you wash your hands thoroughly before and after each practice session. Covid 19 may live on surfaces for many hours so this before and after practice regime will ensure the health of your guitar and you.

Many parents of young students, now on school holidays and soon to be engaged in remote learning, have said they are grateful for the routine that regular Guitar practice brings. They have had a huge shift in lifestyle recently with the loss of sporting activities and social interaction at school. Remember to set up a regular practice time and try to stick to it.

On the subject of practice, make sure that you incorporate some fun time into each session. Don’t make it all work and no play (no pun intended). Make a list of the pieces you like best and make sure you incorporate some into each practice/fun session. Look back over your work for the last year and brush up on completed pieces. Remember above all, that Guitar practice should be fun time.

At present I am still teaching lessons on a one to one basis as normal at our Glenelg location (and via Zoom where requested) , and of course making sure that the lesson area is clean and safe. If anything changes I will let students know.

On a more cheerful note see below for my idea of the Virus Theme Song.

Happy Easter Everyone.



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