Posted by: Glenelg Guitar Studio | December 9, 2022

Seasons Greetings

Yes, it’s that time again. Where did the year go ? It seems like only yesterday we were celebrating the New Year and hoping Covid would subside and normality return.

Well that was not the case but it seems we have a new style of normality. Students have been back to “face to face” lessons and performing well at all levels. We have had great success at school-based and private learning and this year has been busier than ever with classes and students from schools, private lessons and WEA courses.

Some things have changed. We have seen a decrease in Music Exams due to Covid travel restrictions for examiners over the last couple of years. This has placed a greater emphasis on monthly Guitar Workshops where students can learn the art of Guitar Performance in front of a small friendly audience. This has been a focus for many students in both classical and modern guitar learning.

You can see two videos of student performances, at the last workshop for the year, below and see more with this link.

I would like to thank all students for their efforts this past year and also thank everyone who has supported them. Parents, partners and teachers are very important in the learning process.


I hope you have a great Christmas break and look forward to seeing you in the New Year…..Leigh

Posted by: Glenelg Guitar Studio | January 22, 2022

Metronomes for Guitar

I tell every student about the benefit and usage of a metronome in lessons but I’m sure this message from a student will reinforce the benefit.

Hi Leigh

Just a note on the metronome. Yes, I know you are always going on about practicing with the metronome and now I actually think I’ve got it happening.

In the beginning it was difficult. I was trying to read the music, find the notes on the right strings, and get a reasonable sound happening as well as getting the timing right. The whole lot together with the metronome beeping at me was sometimes daunting. Even at a very slow pace, however, I started to improve.

I had most trouble on pieces where there were lots of rests but now I seemed to have improved a lot. I found when I was playing the piece without the metronome I was able to count in my head to follow the beat.

I have been using a couple of metronome apps on my phone and the one I like best is the Iona Voice Metronome which has beeps, male and female voice counting as well as my favourite, a dog barking in time!”

Choose the different modes. Voice , beeps or dog bark

As the author of this message has indicated, a metronome will help you develop a sense of rhythm and constant tempo. Most have the ability to change accent to any beat as well as change the time.

A metronome will make you a better guitarist ie smoother with better technique. You will improve over time and your practice will be more efficient.

Make sure you are using it every practice session.

Please do what this guitarist has done and email me what is working for you in your own practice. I will put your comments up on the website for other guitarists to investigate.


Posted by: Glenelg Guitar Studio | January 16, 2022

Stretching for Guitarists

When I talk about stretching for guitarists’ it’s normally about increasing the stretch or fret area that you can cover with your fingers. Generally adults can hit 4 frets with their 4 fingers.

However, today it’s not about reach but all about body stretching. If you’re doing your daily practice and not stretching before or after, or both, the start of a new year is a good time to get started.

We sit in one position for extended periods during practice sessions and place a lot of demand on our bodies, so it’s important to break practice into smaller periods, say 15 minutes at a time.

After 15 minutes get up and walk around to get the body moving. Some people like to do a couple of simple arm and shoulder stretches as well during this break. It will depend on your body, your playing position and core strength as to your stretching needs but each body will benefit from working out a short routine of exercises to do.

There is loads of advice about stretching on the internet and YouTube, however Ian (a student of mine) has found one of interest that will suit most students. Check out this LINK to see if you can incorporate some simple stretches into your routine.

I know many of you are already stretching daily, but check out the ones Ian sent me as you may not have seen some of these before-I know there are a few that were new to me. For me it was exercise 6 “The Cossack”.

Please let me know if you find this page helpful and/or what your favourite stretch is.

Finally, my final thought on the subject of stretching and exercise is a saying I came across recently:

Did you know 14 muscles are activated when opening a bottle of wine? Fitness is my passion!


Posted by: Glenelg Guitar Studio | July 2, 2021

Adelaide Guitar Festival

Yes, it’s on again this year 4th-15th July in Adelaide with performances at the country centres of Edithburgh, Tumby Bay and Cleve.

There’s certainly a wide range of performances of Rock, Blues and Classical so there is bound to be something to suit your taste. I will be checking out some of the classical guitar sessions, which is probably no surprise to any of you.

The Guitar Festival is a great opportunity for students to experience the best that the guitar world has to offer and provide inspiration to you learning experience. You will find inspiration no matter what stage your learning or genre preference. Maybe experience something different from your normal guitar diet; if your a Rock addict see something classical or vice versa. Inspiration comes from understanding the wide and various performances possible on guitar.

See the program HERE


Posted by: Glenelg Guitar Studio | March 31, 2021

Students in FOCUS

He knew his scales

Students come in all shapes and sizes but the one thing they share is the FUN that learning Guitar can bring.

That is one of the great things about the Guitar. It fits all shapes and sizes as well as age groups and anyone can participate to enjoy learning at any level.

The Glenelg Guitar Studio website has a page dedicated to showcasing our students in FOCUS.

Check it out HERE if you haven’t seen it lately.

While you’re having a look at what others have achieved, think about joining them. Do you have a favourite piece or one you’ve been working hard on? We can organise recordings between terms as well as some weekends.

Performed somewhere recently and have the video, then maybe email it to me. Why not give it a try. I know it seems stressful but you will find it’s actually FUN.  Talk to me at your next lesson if you’re interested.


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