
Thank you for visiting the Glenelg Guitar Studio, based in Glenelg a western suburb of Adelaide South Australia. The studio is owned by Leigh Fopp, a guitar teacher with over 30 years experience. Leigh has students in both modern and classic guitar with ages from 8 to 80 and would like to help you on your journey with the guitar.

Whether it’s a rewarding hobby, a creative outlet or to prepare for a career in music, lessons will be tailored to meet your individual needs. Leigh takes into account your interests and age in setting up a program to ensure that you meet your guitar goals in an easy step by step and fun way.

You learn with regular lessons, using tried and tested teaching methods with practice set to suit your learning pace. All styles of guitar playing are catered for including  Classical, Modern, Electric, Acoustic, Bass, Finger picking and Blues, or you can even have a more structured learning by undertaking graded music theory and practical exams.

The choice is yours; Contact Leigh to discuss how he can help you achieve your learning goals.

Want to keep up to date with the latest at the Glenelg Guitar Studio?.  Simply register your email address on the top right of this page and receive our no obligation Guitar News direct to your in box.


  1. Hi Leigh.
    Thankyou for the video of material covered in Saturdays WEA class.

    • Thankyou for confirming you received the video.

      I’m very pleased to see you again in class Ayesha.



      • Hi Leigh,
        I am so happy to start the guitar class again. I will continue my learning until I play the guitar very well.

  2. Hi Leigh,

    Thanks for the note re Georgia’s guitar.

    We are very proud of Georgia’s practicing and commitment to guitar and her progress this year.
    Thanks for your great lessons, it is her favourite part of the week!

    Just wondering how much longer she would actually need the 3/4 size guitar!?!

    Kindest regards,

    • Hi Emma.
      She could easily get another year from the current guitar.
      Feel free to stay in touch.

  3. Hi Leigh,
    I hope you are feeling relaxed already!
    Just wanted to share William’s exciting news with you. He received a Merit for Solo Performance!!! 9.9/10
    We are so super proud of him and looking forward to attending the ceremony at Government House as we did with Alice.
    We can not thank you enough for preparing him so well for his solo performances throughout the year.
    He received an ATAR of 97.55 which we are also ecstatic about!
    He also did extremely well in both of his auditions to study music at Adelaide Uni and both auditions were successful pending his ATAR. So we reckon he’s in!
    Wishing you a very special Christmas with friends and family and a wonderful new year.
    Kind Regards,

    • Hi Ros,
      How thoughtful of you to send through the exciting news regarding Williams year 12 results.
      Please pass on to William my congratulations on his 9.9/10 merit for music-solo performance and 97.75 ATAR!
      Thank you again for the support you gave him over his 9 years of lessons with me.
      Feel free to stay in touch.
      Merry Christmas Ros.

  4. Hi Leigh, many thanks for your great help at WEA today, I left somewhat overwhelmed but after an hour practice at home I am slowly getting the hang of it.
    Further to my question today would you please put me on your list of prospective students for future tuition.
    Cheers Roger

    • Hi Roger. Thankyou for your email and congratulations on your achievements . Will put you on the waiting list. Cheers. Leigh

  5. Thank you so much Leigh, that was a great performance tonight at the school recital. Dean thoroughly enjoys his lessons with you. Thank you

    • Hi Carol.
      Thankyou for your message and the support you give Dean. I enjoy teaching him and am very proud of him!

  6. Hi Leigh,
    Really enjoyed the beginners WEA course. I would like to continue learning the guitar with you. Know you do not have vacancies at the moment but if that changes please email me.
    The lessons would have to be on weekends as my work makes weekdays unpredictable.
    Thank you

    • Hi Kerrie,

      Thankyou for your email and thankyou also for attending the WEA Guitar course.

      I was very pleased with your positive approach and progress and am very proud to have taught you Kerrie.

      To answer your question re lessons, the WEA teaching is the only teaching I do on the weekend.

      However would you like me to send you vacancies as they arise for Monday-Thursday evenings?

      Thanks Kerrie.


  7. Hi Leigh,

    I met Maurice (James Music) earlier today and he was most helpful.

    We had a good chat and he helped me with my selections.

    I sat on a chair while he waited on me where I purchased a new small guitar, tuner, cover & foot stool.

    Interesting to learn he doesn’t play any instruments at all after 40 years in the industry.

    He asked me how I went with my 1st lesson which I responded with – bloody awful!

    He was born in 1942 and turns 80 in a couple of weeks.

    A really lovely man who spoke very highly about you.

    Thank You for your referral.

    See you next Saturday


    • Hi Marilyn,

      Thankyou for your email and I’m glad to hear today went well.

      I thought all of the beginners and yourself did very well on Saturday as you had to process an enormous amount of information. It will get easier.

      Feel free to stay in touch Marilyn.



  8. Hi Leigh,

    My name’s Michelle and I would like to enrol for my daughter Chelsea to learn guitar. She’s 8 years old and a complete beginner and hasn’t had any music education outside school.

    She loves music and art and has some favourite singers like Colbie Caillat and Taylor Swift. I gave her a classical guitar as a 8-year-old birthday gift, so you know how excited she is.

    In addition, here is our available schedule:

    Weekdays after 5.30pm
    Weekends after 2pm

    I would refer an 1 hour/ lesson per fortnightly as your suggestion. Do you think it is suitable for a beginner? Do you teach one on one or with class?

    If possible, can I book an Introduction lesson? I know this time is uncertain due to Covid, could you please advise your available schedule and your studio address?

    I would love to have further discussion with you.

    Best regards,


  9. Hi Leigh,
    Just thought I’d ask if you have any openings this year for regular lessons. .

    • Hi Will,
      Thank you for your email.
      I would be very keen to keep working with you, however exactly what days and times I have vacancies is uncertain at this time of January.
      What I will do is email you early February (eg 6th Feb) and let you know what I have available.
      In the meantime it would help me enormously if you could let me know what days and times suit best and if you require a different lesson day/time each fortnight or the same day/time each fortnight.
      Look forward to hearing from you Will.
      Please give your parents my regards next time you see them.
      Thanks Will.

  10. Hi Leigh,

    I was wondering if you had any recommendations on a first guitar pedal to buy Alana. I have been looking but there are so many options and I don’t know what good first pedal is. If you could please let me know it would be appreciated.

    Kind Regards,
    Hayden Eig

  11. Hi Leigh, didn’t get a chance to talk to you after the workshop but just thought I would let you know I very much enjoyed your playing, especially the Morricone, you did real justice to the music and my arrangement.
    Your technique and sound production has blossomed, just as I hoped it would through your series of lessons.
    Look forward to seeing you at the next workshop, have a great Christmas and new year.
    Best, Jason.

    • Hi Jason,
      Thankyou for your email and kind words.
      I am very grateful for the lessons and I had with you and I hold your arrangements in very high regard.
      The location of the Guitar-workshop to Unley suits me better, meaning I am able to attend regularly.
      I look forward to the next workshop.
      Merry Christmas and New Year to you Jason.

  12. Leigh

    Thanks for another excellent lesson last Wednesday giving me plenty to work on.
    Just confirming that I am able to attend an extra lesson at 2pm next Wednesday 3rd Nov as we discussed.

    Also I didn’t thank you for passing on the information of where to find an accurate transcription of “the Clap” for my son Charles.
    I passed it onto him but I don’t think has followed it up yet as they have packing up preparing to move to Canberra.

    See you on Wednesday.



    • Hi Peter,
      Thanks for making contact and I’m glad you enjoyed the lesson.
      Looking forward to catching up with you on Wednesday.
      Thanks Peter.

  13. Hi Leigh

    I’m looking at buying a new guitar and you mentioned a couple of shops – at least one in the CBD? Could you please remind me of their names?

    Thank you!

    • Hi Anita,
      Thank you for email and I’m excited to hear you are looking at buying a new guitar.
      The shop I recommended was James Music 164 Sturt St City.
      Ring for opening hours PH 82122806.
      Please let me know if you have any questions.
      Thanks Anita, and congratulations again on your persistence and achievements at the recent WEA guitar course.

  14. Thank You ! Soooo Much, Dear Leigh.

    Yes, Celebrating my 90th, is quite a milestone!

    I shall be attending Holy Mass @ St. Francis Xavier Cathedral near Vic Sq. for the 11.30 a.m. Holy Mass to Thank God for reaching 90, and to ask God to be with me for the rest of my life – whether long or short …. and, of course, I shall pray for you + your Dear Family.

    After Holy Mass then a short walk to a city pub & thence to China Town for an Asian meal. Having been born in Singapore ;until the Japanese Invasion, I am very partial to Asiam foods.

    I am now in Eldercare Acacia Court, 81 Tapleys Hill Road, Hendon, 2014 and I came here on 23rd. August, 2019.
    Each resident has a large sitting-bed room. Good meals & our every medical & other need taken care of. and a shared toilet-shower room with a member of the same sex.

    I spent the first x 11 years in Singapore (“Land of Lions !!) there, before Mother & I escaped to India !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where we stayed before sailing for Fremantle, where I completed my education in W.A.

    Then I tried for the Franciscan Friars, spending 4 years with them in Poverty, Chastity & Obedience.
    However, …..”Many are called & few are chosen.”

    Then, the Public Service for a time.
    And, then I sailed to U.K. to apprentice myself to becoming a Professional Actor.

    Finally, sailing back to Oz …… and today ….90 !!!!!!!!!!! Wow.

    If I do not reply to any of your future emails, then I am sure a phone call to Eldercare will inform you, that I have happily returned to my Maker to rejoin my Family, Relatives and All my departed Friends. Amen. (Hebrew: Yes! So Let It Be !)



    P.S. It’s been a real Honour knowing you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • My pleasure Hugh and congratulations on your 90th today.

  15. Hi Leigh,

    Hope you had a good Xmas and New Year.

    When you get a moment would you mind making a video of the first two pages ( attached ) of Clocks.



  16. Hi Leigh,
    Would you have time this week or next week for Max to have a zoom lesson?

    • Hi Zoe,
      Thank you for your email.
      Do any of the following suit for a 30 minute Zoom lesson:
      Mon 7/12 at 3.30pm
      Fri 11/12 3.30pm

  17. Hi Leigh,

    We hope you are ok after last week’s craziness.

    Just confirming we wish to continue with Alana’s lessons next year and as discussed add our son Hayden to your lesson roster.

    Please let me know if you require anything further regarding this information.

    Kind regards,


    • Hi Kim,
      Thanks for your email.
      Fortunately the craziness was shortlived!
      Will be in touch as vacancies arise regarding Haydens lessons.
      Thanks again Kim for the support you have given Alana this year.

  18. Hi Leigh
    Riley is keen to keep some lessons going over the holidays- can we organise something?

    • Hi Chris,
      Thanks for your email.
      I will definitely, be teaching in the Christmas holidays and over the next week will send you the days and times I am teaching.
      Thanks again Chris for the support you give Riley.

  19. Hi Leigh,
    Thanks you so much for your kind message re Archie’s playing.
    I really appreciate your feedback, and to have this positive feedback is really wonderful.
    Archie has been practicing without being reminded and enjoys his practice. Your kind guidance is much appreciated.
    Archie’s twin sister ran to the door when I got home from work tonight to tell me you had given him positive feedback in lesson, so he must have also shared it with her!
    I hope you have a wonderful break and we are looking forward to term 4.
    Kindest Regards.
    Simone and Archie

    • Thank you for your email Simone, and for the support you give Archie.

  20. Hi Leigh,

    I am back safely in Adelaide, after a wonderful trip through the north of Australia.

    I am keen to resume our lessons, however, the date and time you suggested does not suit me. Could we please have a telephone discussion to lock in another date and time.

    Please call me at your convenience.

    I attach a picture taken the Kakadu National Park, for you to see where I have been.

    Kind regards,


    • Hi Vladimir,

      Hope this finds you well-and warm.

      As “flagged” at your last lesson the 6pm Thursday timeslot has being permanently filled. I will contact you the week beginning 5/10 with vacancies I have.

      I am very keen to keep working with you Vlad and am sure we will be able to work out a time(s) for your lesson.



  21. Hi Leigh

    Just following up our conversation from the WEA Basic Guitar re private guitar classes. If you have any availability evenings (other than Friday) or weekends that would suit me best.
    Kind regards

    • Hi Leah,

      Thank you for your email and congratulations on your achievements and positive approach at the WEA guitar lessons.

      Am wondering does 7pm on Monday 21/9 suit for a 60 minute introductory guitar lesson?

      Thanks Leah.


  22. Hi Leigh , I am having difficulty with this rhythm pattern. Could I please have a video where you slow it down and idiot proof it for me , maybe calling out up and down strums?

    Thanks , Anthony

    • HI Anthony,
      I have just made a video for you and sent it through to you.
      I slowed it down and counted out aloud.
      Please let me know if it doesn’t help and I will make another video.

  23. Hi Leigh.
    Thank you so much for obtaining the music-stand for Madi.
    Much appreciated.
    Have just transferred payment.

    • My pleasure Kristie.
      I was able to obtain a fold-up 3 section music stand with carry bag for Madi, so she can take it to a holiday house, friends, grandparents etc.

  24. Leigh

    Thanks for sending through the videos they are a great help.

    We had a bit more fun here this morning as Rosie used Zoom to dial into a Pilates class so my experience from Wednesday was useful to help her get going.
    It was quite amusing as there were 28 people linked in and number of the Boomers had trouble setting up – made me feel a bit better.

    Just liaised with my golf coach as Kooyonga is shut down and he is going to give lessons over the net also.
    Hopefully the NBN can cope with it all the traffic it has been slow here the last couple of days.

    So we will see where we are in the next couple of weeks.

    Stay safe and thanks again.


    • My pleasure Peter.
      Just let me know when you require more videos of what you are learning.

  25. Leigh

    Thanks for the lesson last week and your patience once again.

    I do apologise for the failure of the technology which was my fault. I appears that I had not downloaded the last part of the program to make it work properly with my browser.
    Very annoying I used to be across all of the computer technology 20 years ago now I am like a learner driver! They make the things to damn smart.

    Anyway the lesson gave me plenty to work on and if you are able to make me a video of the blues piece over the weekend please that would be most useful.
    I am having a great time learning to play the blues tunes that I love and really appreciate how you are leading me through it.

    Rosie has to use Zoom for a golf committee meeting, which I will assist her with setting up and it looks like I will be having a work related meeting with it tomorrow, so I will be better prepared if we have to use it again.

    Stay safe.

    Thanks again

    • Thanks for your email Peter.
      I will make a video for you later today.
      Keep up the good work Peter.

  26. Thanks Leigh-my first “Happy Birthday” (I’ll be 76!)
    Cheers Lenore

  27. Hi Leigh,
    Jane and I spent several hours this morning, trying to get Zoom to work. We tried it both ways – me setting up a meeting and inviting Jane to join me, and then Jane setting up a meeting and inviting me to join her. We tried repeatedly, but to no avail. Eventually, we decided to give up and ask you if I could resume one on one, face to face instruction with you. How do you feel about that?

    • Hi Colin,
      Thank you for your email and I’m sorry to hear Jane and yourself spent several hours trying to get Zoom to work. It sounds very frustrating!
      Confirming your next lesson is face to face at my residence on Tuesday 28/4 at 4pm.
      I am very comfortable with this arrangement Colin.
      PS You are not the first guitarist I teach to discontinue Zoom and learn face to face

  28. Hi Leigh,
    Samuel Hill will be working from home this week as suggested. Are you able to do his lessons over zoom? Thanks
    God bless and stay safe😊
    Colin and Janelle

    • Hi Janelle,
      No problems teaching Sam via Zoom (so far I have done over a 100 Zoom lessons!)
      Will be in touch with some days and times .

  29. LEIGH

    Sorry to trouble you but I am working with the scales that you emailed to me and not sure if I am reading the Melodic Minor scales correctly, as to me they just don’t sound right
    My reading of the notes for A Melodic Minor is;
    Ascending: A B C D E F# G# A B C D E F# G# A G

    Descending: F E D C B A G F E D C B A (no sharps)

    Am I reading this correctly?



    • Hi Tony,
      Thank you for your email and congratulations!
      You are one of the few to read the scale correctly.
      Keep up the good work Tony.

  30. Hi Leigh,

    I just wanted to thank you again for todays call, it always so nice to hear great feedback.

    As parents we know how happy & smiley Rylee is, he is always been such a character – and yes is always up for a chat.

    Its so refreshing to hear though from his teachers.

    Thanks again. We look forward to seeing Rylee develop into a cool little musician.

    Kind regards.


  31. Hi Leigh,
    Hope you had a good holiday. Confirming I will see you Tuesday to recommence lessons.
    Cheers Colin.

    • Hi Colin,
      I’m glad you received my reminder.
      Looking forward to getting started again.

  32. Hi Leigh,
    Thanks for teaching Ethan in 2019 at Temple College. He certainly enjoyed it and believes he’s learnt a lot.

  33. Hi Leigh,
    That’s great news about my exam result (87/100)
    Thank you.
    See you Tuesday

    • Congratulations John..
      This is an outstanding result and I would like to thank you for your hard work and persistence.

  34. Hi Leigh – 82/100 is great news! Especially considering where he was at !
    I will let him know- thanks for passing on the good news!

    • Hi Julie,
      This is a very pleasing result and I would like to thank you for your behind the scenes support.

  35. Hi Leigh,
    Thank you for all your wonderful teaching and might I add great patience in 2019
    All the best to you and the family.
    Love Lenore
    PS Move went well though it was a long affair from 2:45 – 21:15, now its a matter of where is everything, not fussed this will be a job when I return from Brissy

    • Hi Lenore,
      Thanks for your email.
      Thankyou also for taking lessons from me in 2019 and for the bottle of “bubbly” and coffee beans.
      Congratulate on your persistence and achievements last year Lenore.
      Thanks again for your generosity.
      PS Im glad the move went well

  36. Hi Leigh,
    I was just wondering if you have any slots free this semester for me to have lessons. An hour every fortnight or whatever you have free would be awesome.

    • Hi Will,

      Thank you for your email.

      I would love to work with you again, and am really pleased to think that having learnt from me all through Primary school and High school, that you still want lessons!

      I am currently on leave until late January when I commence teaching Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon and evening. Having said that I have set aside (as a one-off) the morning and afternoon of this coming weekend 18th Jan and 19th Jan to teach anyone who wants a January lesson.

      I have attached a link to my website which will answer questions about fees , introductory lesson etc:

      Tuition Fees

      Please let me know when you are ready to book a lesson or if have any questions.

      Thanks again for your email Will-it was great to hear from you!

      Kind Regards.

      Leigh Fopp

  37. Hi Leigh – I wanted to let you know have been using the videos you made for me in lesson, and am finding them very useful.

    • Glad to hear you are finding them useful Colin.
      Thanks for your email.

  38. Hi Leigh.
    Now that year 12 is all wrapped up, I would like to thank you so much for your support of Michael and helping him fan his passion! We appreciate it very much!
    Kind regards Arianne and Andrew

    • Hi Arianne,
      Thank you for your kind words and for the behind-the-scenes support you gave Michael.
      I was very pleased with his positive approach and progress.
      Please pass on my best wishes to Michael.
      Thanks again Arianne.

  39. Hi Leigh

    With Huwan finishing year 12, I would like to thank you so much for all the support, fantastic teaching and consistent encouragement you have given to him the last 3 years. He has really enjoyed his time with you and we have been so thrilled with his progress. Thank you once again.

    I’m sure this is not the end of Huwans love of playing. Music will always be a part of his life and as we hand the baton of responsibility over to him to fund any lessons/ tuition…… I’m sure he will want to occasionally refine his skills with you if that is a possibility?

    All the best for the future

    Kind regards and many thanks again,

    Derek and Charlotte

    • Dear Charlotte,
      Thankyou for your message and kind words.
      I would be keen to keep working with Huwan if/when required.
      PS Just in case Huwan didn’t mention it, I have encouraged him to consider taking on a few guitar students. I thinks he has a very suitable temperament for teaching!

  40. Thank you for your email Leigh.
    Archie is having the best experience with guitar and I really appreciate your communication. I can’t wait to see (hear!) how he progresses next semester. He is just hitting his stride and feeling much more confident, so thank you for that!

    • Thanks again Simone for your feedback and behind-the-scenes support you are giving Archie.

  41. Another very happy group of guitar learners Leigh…well done!

    Lesley Brookes
    Course Coordinator
    WEA Adult Learning
    p:08 8223 1979
    a:223 Angas Street, Adelaide SA 5000

  42. Hi Leigh,

    Just wanted to let you know Riley has been practising every day – he is really enjoying his new amp. When he gets excited about something and applies himself, he is actually very capable.

    Kind regards,

    Christine Trimmer

    • Hi Chris,
      Thank you for your comment and the behind-the-scenes support Adam and yourself give Riley.
      Some of his playing at his lessons in term 4 was outstanding!
      Thanks again Chris.

  43. Hi Leigh,
    Thanks for your guidance and great result last year.
    Confirming that we support James to continue his lessons with you in 2020.
    Enjoy your break and James will see you in February.

    • Dear Leanne and David,
      Thank you for allowing me to teach James in 2019 and for the behind-the-scenes support you have given him.
      I feel very pleased with James’ progress, commitment and exam result.
      Thanks again for the support you have given James.

  44. Hi Leigh,
    Thanks for my exam result.
    2019 was a very enjoyable year.
    Thankyou for your dedicated teaching. I drank some good wine in the Bordeaux wine centre today!.
    Malcolm- currently in France

    • My pleasure Malcolm.
      Congratulations on obtaining 81/100 for your Grade 5 guitar exam. This is an outstanding result and I would like to thank you for your hard work and persistence.
      Finally, your certificate has now arrived
      Once again, congratulations!

  45. Hi Leigh,

    This is Ka from WEA Guitar Course. I did not get a chance to catch up with you in class this morning.

    I would like to get a private lesson with you. Do you have available time slot? How are we going from here? I prefer weekend if that works fine for you.

    Thank you very much. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Kind Regards,

    • Hi Ka,
      Thank you for your email and congratulations on your achievements during the recent WEA classes.
      I don’t have any vacancies on the weekends due to my WEA commitments, but I will email you over the next few days with vacancies that I have on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday in the afternoon and evenings.
      Congratulations again on your positive approach to guitar lessons at the WEA.
      Will be in touch Ka.

  46. Hi Leigh,

    Thank you for the wonderful news that Wyatt obtained 91/100 for his exam!! We are absolutely proud of him and thank you for your untiring and patient instruction and nurturing!


    • Hi Julia.
      This is an outstanding result and I would like to thank you for your behind the scenes support.
      Please pass on my congratulations again to Wyatt

  47. Leigh

    As discussed last night this is the classical guitar piece my son Charles is working on.
    “Guardame Las Vacas, performed by Andreas Segovia at the ripe old age of 86! Inspiring stuff if I could ever play half as well as this.”

    Pretty inspiring to watch/hear him play this!

    I got the electric out today and bending, pull offs and hammer ons are easier as you suggested.
    Moving back to the acoustic seemed to improve that also.
    So I will be cranking up the volume this summer when I get back.

    Once again thanks for a great years tuition. Your explanation, demonstration and patience is amazing and greatly appreciated.

    Best wishes to you and your family for Christmas and the New Year.

    See you in 2020.



    • Thank you for the feedback Smiley and for the link to this piece.
      I know it very well.
      Congratulations on your achievements this year.
      Merry Christmas Smiley and have a great trip overseas.

  48. A quick email to let you know we are so thankful to you for encouraging Luca’s passion for guitar. He had a very strict piano teacher last year and we feared he would lose his love for learning instruments. (Mind you, she really got him to develop his skills in a short time!)
    You are a perfect fit for him and we see his journey learning guitar with you will continue for years.

    Fingernails cut and all set for tomorrow.


    • Thankyou for the feedback Holly. I appreciate it very much.
      Please pass on my congratulations to Luca on his achievements over the last 4 months.

  49. Hi Leigh,
    Thanks for your encouraging words-I feel that I’m lucky to have found you as a teacher. I’m always impressed by your patience and by your considerable knowledge of the instrument.
    I’ll keep practicing!
    Enjoy your break and I’ll look forward to catching up on February 4th.
    Merry Christmas.

    • My pleasure Eric.
      Thankyou again for taking lessons from me this year.
      I am very pleased with your progress and commitment and proud to be your teacher.
      Keep up the good work and thanks again for the printer details.

  50. Hi,

    I Just moved in from Belgium for 2 years. I am a treacher and This would be a good time to learn to play the acoustic gitar.

    Maybe i can join other people in groups lessons or is it private ?

    Do i have to buy a gitar of can i hire O e ?

    I can start from the end of march.


    • Hi Katrien,
      Thankyou for your email.
      I teach privately at Glenelg but ran group classes on Sunday mornings with the WEA. To access the WEA timetable click on the link below and then type in ‘Basic Guitar’

      Click to access schedule.pdf

      Hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.

  51. Hi Leigh,
    Many thanks for a beautifully written reference for Williams upcoming scholarship audition.
    Thank you for the time and effort you put into it.
    See you on Friday at 5pm.

  52. Hi team,
    I am a complete newbie, do you train from scratch?

    • Hi Enaj,

      Thankyou for your enquiry regarding Guitar lessons.

      Firstly, no problems teaching beginners.

      Secondly, if you wish to take it further step one is to have an introductory lesson which will be half price ($34.00 cash) and is due on that day. However if after having the introductory lesson you wish to continue with lessons then the $34.00 is deducted from the cost of further lessons, resulting in the introductory lesson being free. Any lessons after that are fortnightly for 60 minutes and are paid for in a 6 week block ($204.00 cash/ $216.00 eft), which is 3 lessons.

      Please let me know if you wish to proceed or have any other questions.



  53. Hi Leigh,

    I’m thinking about taking lessons again this year. I’m wondering what times are available. I work two days a week and have uni on other days but hopefully it can work around this.

    If you could let me know a few times that could be free that will help. Currently I work Mondays and Tuesdays and when uni starts I will be working Mondays and Thursdays.


  54. Went yesterday had strings replaced at James Music. The bloke was as awesome as you said. Thanks and have a fantastic break. Cameron 😎

    • Hi Cameron,
      Thanks for your email.
      Glad you enjoyed your experience at James Music!

  55. Hi Leigh,
    Wow! That’s fantastic news! Hayden is ecstatic.
    Thanks for your great guidance and support.

  56. Oh wow. Thank you Leigh for Cormacs’ exam result of 93/100. That is great, Cormac will be very relieved and pleased.

    Thank you for your tutelage and encouragement to Cormac.

    Regards, Brendon and Kelly.

  57. Hi Leigh its jo (an ex student of yours), I’m looking to study jazz at the the Adelaide Conservatorium next year. it was recommended that i take some jazz lessons before then to at least get a basic understanding of what is required.
    Do you offer jazz lessons? and do you have any space available?

    • Thanks for your email, and it was great to hear from you.
      Your request should not be a problem as I have prepared many students for the Jazz courses.
      I will email you some days and times I have available over the weekend, and you can even start next week if you want.
      Thanks again for remembering me Jojo.
      Will be in touch.

  58. Awesome job! Thanks for the video of Harrison playing in lesson today Leigh.

    This made my day!

    Thank you for all of your hard work and support of the boys this year!

    Kind regards,


  59. Hi can you please forward to me info re guitar lessons for my daughter who is 11 years of age and is interested in learning the guitar.
    starting from scratch no experience
    Please send me cost etc..
    Thank you

  60. Hi there – my husband has always wanted to learn how to play guitar and instead of just talking about it, I finally wanted to book him some lessons for Father’s Day!
    Do you digit vouchers or can I buy a block of lessons? How much are they?
    Also what type of guitar do you recommend to buy initially for a beginners? Thsnks

  61. Hi, I’m David and my daughter and I would like to learn the guitar together if possible. She is 16, I’m 50. We would both be learning from scratch. Is it possible to do joint lessons and can you give me an idea of the cost. We would like to learn acoustic.

  62. Thanks for your “Thinking Out Loud” post Leigh

    Goes to prove the truthful adage, Leigh:

    “Practice makes perfect” or should that be:

    Practice makes performance possible !!

    Congrats all round.

    What’s he going to be like when he’s 31 ?

    Hugh – the Ancient One.

  63. Hi,

    Kindly advise I have a 4 years old son, and I am not too sure whether it is too early for him to start guitar lessons?

    Best regards,

  64. Hi Leigh,
    Thanks for encouraging Hayden to take the practical exam. Please go ahead and register him for this.
    Kind Regards.

  65. Thank you for the video Leigh. I found todays session very good for me.

    • My pleasure Tony.
      Always happy to make videos of lesson material for you and email them through to you.

  66. Wow what a fabulous message to receive!



    On 9 Jun 2016, at 12:23 PM, Leigh wrote:

    The standard of some of your playing was very high today Hudson.
    Well done!

  67. Hi Leigh. I attended one of your Basic Guitar courses a few years ago. I would like to enquire as to whether you can help me. I play Ukulele and in particular a Baritone Ukulele which is tuned DGBE as in top four strings on Guitar. I want to improve my skills particularly melody finger pick and get away from the usual Ukulele strum, strum, strum. Can you devise a short course, say approx. 6 weeks, instruction for me on the 4 string instrument ? For your info my music reading level is minimal but I have a fairly good ear, I think, for a tune. I am a senior, so my fingers are not as supple as they were !! Perhaps you could make a time for me to come and see you to discuss this. Thank you, Tony

    • Hi Tony,

      Thank you for your email and yes I do remember you.

      Although not an expert on the Ukelele I have helped Guitarists with similar requests regarding the uke.

      I therefore propose a 60 minute introductory lesson at half price ($33.00) to discuss this further.

      I teach Monday to Friday afternoons and evenings.

      Could you please advise some suitable days and times.

      Thanks Tony.


  68. Hi Leigh,

    My name is Zoe and I am looking into lessons for my 10 year old daughter Gypsy. I am not sure if this is a good age to start Guitar lessons? Also how long are the lessons and how much per lesson? If you could email more info that would be great.

    • Hi Zoe,

      Thank you for your email.

      No problems teaching children this age as I have been doing so for many years. I encourage parental involvement so you would be most welcome to sit in on each lesson.

      I hope the following information answers any questions you have.

      1. Introductory lesson for 60 minutes is at half price ($33.00 cash) and due on the day

      2. After the introductory lesson, if you wish to go ahead, lessons are paid upfront in blocks of 3 fortnights

      3. If you continue, a block of 3 x 60 minute lessons is $198.00 and the initial $33.00 is then deducted from this fee (in effect, making the introductory lesson free.)

      4. At the moment I have a few vacancies throughout the week – I teach Mon to Fri afternoons and evenings – and have vacancies most days 5. Lessons are fortnightly for 60 minutes

      Please let me know if you have any questions Zoe or if you wish to book an introductory lesson.

      Thanks Zoe.


  69. Hi Leigh,
    In response to your post:
    1. On a scale of 1-10 how much did you enjoy learning the Guitar in 2015?. 10
    2. What comments did you notice your teacher (probably me) regularly make about your playing? Playing tooo fast.
    3. What 1 area of your playing do you want to improve in 2016? .
    4. How many pieces or songs would you like to learn in 2016? 15
    5. Performing is very satisfying for performer and audience, so a good question is “How can I commence performing to my family and friends with (some) confidence or increase the number of performances I give”?
    I’m happy to perform a solo or duet with me for this website
    6. Would undertaking a Guitar exam help me develop as a musician?. I’d like to do an exam at the end of 2016.
    Wishing you and your family a happy new year!

    • Hi An,
      Thank you for your email. I am very impressed and inspired by your goals and aspirations for 2016. I look forward to working with you to achieve them. Will be in touch soon about making a video of us playing a duet.
      Thanks An.

  70. Thanks for letting me know, will pass on the awesome news to Kyle, thanks for your fantastic teaching.

    Kind regards,

    Kym Alksne
    General Manager

    Hi Kym,

    I have some good news!

    Could you please pass on my congratulations to Kyle on obtaining 96/100. This is an outstanding result for a first exam and I would like to thank you for your behind the scenes support.

    Kyle will receive the exam report sheet initially but there will also be an official certificate in due course.

    Once again, congratulations!


  71. That’s great news Leigh.

    Thank you for all your work and encouragement throughout the year.

    Joseph is very happy with that result.


    Rachel, David and Joe

    On 21 Nov 2015, at 10:20 am, Leigh Fopp wrote:

    Hi Rachel,

    I have some good news!

    Could you please pass on my congratulations to Joseph on obtaining 93/100. This is an outstanding result and I would like to thank you for your behind the scenes support.

    Joseph will receive the exam report sheet initially but there will also be an official certificate in due course. His results will go in the school newsletter.

    Once again, congratulations!


  72. Woohoo! Thanks so much for teaching him so well. It is quite funny he got 90% as when he got in the car after the exam his guess was that he got 90%!

    Bronwyn for us both

  73. Thanks Leigh!
    I fully expected I’d get around 75 so that result is really pleasing. Wow, I’m really thrilled!
    See you in a couple of weeks.
    On 21 Nov 2015 5:05 pm, “Leigh Fopp” wrote:
    Hi Louise,

    I have some good news!

    Congratulations on obtaining 86/100. This is an outstanding result and I would like to thank you for your hard work.

    You will receive the exam report sheet at your next lesson but there will also be an official certificate in due course.

    Once again, congratulations!


  74. Wow Leigh that’s great news I am sure Jonathon will be very pleased when I tell him the result.
    Thank you for your support!

    From: Leigh Fopp [mailto:lfopp@bigpond.com]
    Sent: Saturday, 21 November 2015 7:46 AM
    To: ‘Stantons’
    Subject: Guitar exam result

    Hi Connie,

    I have some good news!

    Could you please pass on my congratulations to Jonathon on obtaining 90/100. This is an outstanding result and I would like to thank you for your behind the scenes support.

    Jonathon will receive the exam report sheet initially but there will also be an official certificate in due course. His results will go in the school newsletter.

    Once again, congratulations!


  75. That’s fantastic news. Thanks for all the guidance Leigh! See you on the 2nd.


    On 21 Nov 2015, at 5:03 pm, Leigh Fopp wrote:

    Hi Roisin,

    I have some good news!

    Congratulations on obtaining 97/100. This is an outstanding result and I would like to thank you for your hard work.

    You will receive the exam report sheet at your next lesson but there will also be an official certificate in due course.

    Once again, congratulations!


  76. Good morning Leigh, Indeed a very pleasing result, but a lot of the applause also goes to you. The result reflects a great teaching methodology and I could not have achieve the pass without your dedicated help.

    Warm regards Phil

    Sent from my iPhone

    On 21 Nov 2015, at 5:04 PM, Leigh Fopp wrote:
    Hi Phil,

    I have some good news!

    Congratulations on obtaining 93/100. This is an outstanding result and I would like to thank you for your hard work.

    You will receive the exam report sheet at your next lesson but there will also be an official certificate in due course.

    Once again, congratulations!


  77. Thanks for getting back to me Leigh.
    I’ll have to take the Tuesday 5pm time please – Karen’s working the other nights and we have another commitment Sunday.
    See you then.


    Hi Phil,
    Received your sms.
    Do any of the following suit to catch up Thursdays lesson?
    1pm Sunday 6th Dec
    5pm Tuesday 8th Dec
    6pm Wed 9th Dec
    7pm Fri 11th Dec
    Sent from my iPad

  78. Hi Leigh,
    That would be fantastic! Thank you so much for getting him in tomorrow! Much appreciated


    Sent from my iPhone

    On 2 Dec 2015, at 7:44 AM, Leigh Fopp wrote:
    Hi Sonia,
    When you get this email could you please indicate if Marcus will be at school tomorrow, as I am able to adjust the commitments I have before school and come in early to teach him at 9am.
    Look forward to hearing from you.
    Thanks Sonia.

  79. Hello Leigh,

    Thank you for giving Kris an opportunity to have a few lessons before that Summer School.

    He could do both date; on Monday at 2pm and Tuesday at 4pm.

    Thank you


    • Confirming both those days and times Kasia.
      Thanks for the support you are giving him.

  80. Hi Leigh,

    Term 1 starts on Monday 1st February and Jack will be at camp for the first week so we can we make his first lesson on Tuesday February 9th? (which will be our normal week)


    • Confirming Feb 9th at 7pm.
      Thanks again for the “Pepperjack Shiraz” Jodie.
      Definitely one of my favourites!

  81. Hi Leigh,
    I’ve picked 2 songs to buy before our next lesson. Could you let me know suitable links for the music?
    “Titanium” by Sia and “Thinking out loud ” by Ed Sheeran.

  82. Hi Leigh

    Thanks again for a wonderful year teaching Toby Guitar. Just wondering your suggestions on which electric guitar/ range would be suitable for Toby. Planning for his Christmas present and we know how important your helpful advice was last time.

    Thanks and Merry Christmas

    Kind Regards


    • Thank you for your email Jane and for the support Peter and yourself give Toby.
      I will be in touch over the next few days with some information on left-handed Guitars.

  83. Hi Leigh,

    Hope you’re well.

    Here’s a couple of the pink Floyd fingerstyle pieces I mentioned in the lesson – if you have a chance to watch I would love to get an idea of roughly what “grade” I would need to be at to play to this level. I get the feeling it may still be a few lessons away 

    Shine on you Crazy Diamond – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wukNgS4oCYM
    Echoes – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUrBezsQg30


    • Hi Jesse,

      Thanks for your email Jesse.
      I will look the songs up and report back to you at your next lesson.

  84. Hi Leigh,
    Hope that you are going well and enjoying this weather.
    I’ve had a think about the song(s) to play. Jeez – there’s so many to consider and that I want to play. In the end, I thought “what would a good repertoire be?”
    Here’s a list of possible songs that I am thinking of, interested in your thoughts:

    Couple of good steel string acoustic songs:
    * Wish you were here: Pink Floyd. This is one that I have done before, so it’s a good opportunity to polish it up
    * Heart of Gold: Neil Young. Same comment as above
    * Crazy Little thing called love: Queen. Same comment as above, I’ve done this one before. Maybe a good opportunity to learn the solo?

    Some good songs for an electric?
    * Purple Haze: Jimmy Hendrix. I learnt this a couple of years ago but we didn’t do the solo. Potentially bring it out again, with solo?
    * Josie: Steely Dan. I learnt this a couple of years ago but we didn’t do the solo. Potentially bring it out again,
    * Time: Pink Floyd. Haven’t played this before. It has a famous guitar solo that isn’t too fast.
    * Sultans of Swing: Dire Straits. Leigh: too hard?
    * Queen: Tie your Mother Down. has a good and quite strong guitar solo

    Some easy songs for the repertoire
    * Walking on the Moon: The Police
    * When the world is running down, you make the best of what’s still around: The Police.
    Both of these seem to be relatively easy. Slow with a couple of barre type chords from what I can work out.

    As you can see, Leigh. Too much choice is often my problem……


    • Well done on the thought you have put into songs you want to learn Julian!
      I like the idea of revising a previously learnt song as well as learning a new one.
      We can chat about this at your lesson tomorrow.

  85. Hi Leigh – Congratulations on the results of your students.
    You must be very pleased and happy with this feedback from parents and students.
    Well done to you. It is great having you around Immanuel Primary School, sharing your expertise with our students.
    Your encouragement and teaching is highly valued and respected.

    Kind regards,

    Cathy Travaglione
    R-2 Performing Arts/Strings Coordinator
    Immanuel Primary School

    • Hi Cathy,
      Thans you for your positive comments.
      Much appreciated.

  86. Hi Leigh,
    Xiaoxing was very positive after her lesson and keen to continue. I appreciate the effort you went to make her feel at easy and rebuild her confidence. Your explicit and personalised approach to teaching guitar is very supportive of her learning needs.
    She has asked me to stay during lessons and I really enjoyed listening to her play.
    See you in a fortnight
    Cheers Kerry
    Sent from my iPhone

    Hi Kerry,

    Thanks for your email.
    Children feeling a little anxious in instrumental lessons is quite common. As Xiaoxing will enjoy the lessons more and learn more effectively if she feels relaxed I propose that I (and/or you) mention to her in a casual low-key manner that lessons are not a test or assessment and that I am not there to judge her but help, guide and assist in her musical development.
    Another thing that can be mentioned is that I am looking at hand technique and habits and not if the music is being read. These ideas have worked in the past but as you know Xiaoxing better than I, is that the best way to approach lessons or is there a better way?
    Finally, just a reminder Kerrie you are always welcome to stay in lessons.
    Looking forward to meeting you both tonight.
    Thanks Kerry.

  87. Thanks for the video Leigh. All good! Cheers,

    • Good to hear Dennis.
      Happy to make a video for you anytime.

  88. Thanks Leigh but credit where it’s due, Tori worked hard and she has a very talented and motivational teacher!
    Thanks again, Sandy

    Hi Sandee,

    I have some good news!

    Could you please pass on my congratulations to Tori on obtaining 92/100. This is an outstanding result and I would like to thank you for your behind the scenes support.

    Tori will receive the exam report sheet initially but there will also be an official certificate in due course.

    Once again, congratulations!


  89. Wahoo! That’s a fantastic result. Jed can’t believe it!

    Thank you Leigh – much of the credit belongs to you.


    On 21 Nov 2015, at 07:46, Leigh Fopp wrote:
    Hi Adele,

    I have some good news!

    Could you please pass on my congratulations to Jed on obtaining 96/100. This is an outstanding result and I would like to thank you for your behind the scenes support.

    Jed will receive the exam report sheet initially but there will also be an official certificate in due course. His results will go in the school newsletter.

    Once again, congratulations!


  90. Thank you Leigh for your kind Birthday wishes for Anthony.

    Thank you so much for your wonderful teaching & guidance this year. It has been really appreciated by Lou & myself.

    Anthony is really enjoying his guitar playing this year & we love listening to him.

    Kindest regards,
    Rita & Lou

    • Thanks for your email Rita and for the support you gave given to Anthony.
      I am also very pleased with Anthony’s progress and positive attitude.
      Thanks again Rita.

  91. Hi Leigh,

    Well I ship out next week. Thank you for instilling in me an in depth appreciation for the guitar. I have managed to get some contacts in Perth to follow up and it looks doable re finding an appropriate teacher.

    I am still on target to get to Spain – the land of classical guitar so I will keep you posted re my progress. I plan to return to Adelaide at some point. But, to be sure, I will be highly unlikely I will ever put the guitar down again. It is part of me now.

    Please also forward my thanks to Denny for all this hard work re workshops – with appreciation by me.


    • Great to hear from you Luke.
      It was an honour and a privilege to teach you.
      All the best.

  92. Hi Leigh,
    Thanks so much for that great news. It’s made my weekend!
    Thanks very much for your tuition and patience too, I really appreciate it.

    On Sat, 21 Nov 2015 17:05 Leigh Fopp wrote:
    Hi Julian,

    I have some good news!

    Congratulations on obtaining 85/100. This is an outstanding result and I would like to thank you for your hard work.

    You will receive the exam report sheet at your next lesson but there will also be an official certificate in due course.

    Once again, congratulations!


  93. Wow. That is wonderful news. So glad that all his hard work leading up to the exam paid off and thank you so much for once again preparing him so well for his exam and for the wonderful support you always give to your students. You certainly go above and beyond what is expected of a music tutor and we are very grateful for that.

    Sent from my iPad

    On 21 Nov 2015, at 7:47 am, Leigh Fopp wrote:
    Hi Ros,

    I have some good news!

    Could you please pass on my congratulations to William on obtaining 97/100. This is an outstanding result and I would like to thank you for your behind the scenes support.

    William will receive the exam report sheet initially but there will also be an official certificate in due course. His results will go in the school newsletter.

    Once again, congratulations!


  94. Hi Leigh,

    Thank you for sending the video of Jed playing “All My Loving’ with the backing cd! It is fantastic.

    It’s great to see how well Jed’s progressing.

    Kind regards,

  95. Hi There. I have a 6yr old son that I’m interested in getting guitar lessons for. He has had 2 terms of lessons at school last year but I would like something on a weekend or after school during the week where I can attend to see what he is learning so that I can offer him some support when he practices. Not possible when he’s learning this at school during school hours. Hope you can help.
    Regards Grant

  96. Hi Leigh,

    As I mentioned to you, we are going to Bali for 3 weeks in March and I will miss 1 usual lesson time. Can i catch up the lesson after we get back?I don’t see a problem in 2 lessons close together if necessary…we could do one with classical guitar nylon string and one with steel guitar and chords…what do you think? If none of these times suit, we can look at times before I go away.


    MEL (PS…really enjoying my playing …the lesson the other day was great…practising heaps!)

  97. Hi Leigh,
    I hope you have enjoyed your holiday break and all is going well for you.

    James is looking forward to returning to lessons. Could you please confirm his start date?

    Also James has managed to break a string on his new guitar and now one on his flying v (2 breaks in 2 days!) – any suggestions where to have them fixed?



  98. Hello Leigh,
    I am a potential mature aged student. Twenty years ago I finished book one of William Leavitt’s “A Modern Method for Guitar”, but life got in the way and I have pretty well lost the skills I once had. I am now looking to re-visit Leavitt’s books and feel I need some guidance. Do you teach from them at all?
    Kind regards
    Owen Turner

  99. Thanks for both the videos you sent me Leigh.

  100. Hi Leigh,
    I want to learn a couple of new songs so could you send me links to get music. The first one is “Sweet child of mine” by Guns and Roses, and secondly a song called “He thinks he’ll keep her” by Mary Chapin Carpenter.
    I am also keen to learn “Happy Birthday” plus some Christmas Carols, which, I’m guessing you will have copies of…

    Also, after reading your 6 tips for improving progress I thought it would be good for me to work on my theory knowledge more. Could you advise me if there’s a book to buy.

  101. Hi Leigh,

    Hope you enjoyed Christmas and new years!

    I’m not sure what I want to do this year but I’m looking at some music courses in Melbourne as a possible option and have some auditions next week.

    I need to do two guitar pieces for these.

    I’m planning on over the rainbow and not sure what other yet..

    I seem to have left my sheet music for over the rainbow and allegro in Mildura and i was wondering if I’m able to get a copy from you of these?

    Kind regards

  102. Hi Leigh

    Just dug up my last theory results which was Grade 3 with the IMEB. It was a C+ with 74 out of 100 marks, the examiner was Mr A. West and it was held on May the 9th.
    I hope that is all the information you need.
    Hope you had a good Christmas and New Year and I will see you in February.

    From Sam

    • Thanks a lot Sam.
      See you in February.
      Hope you enjoy Sydney Summer School.

  103. Hi Leigh,

    Hope this email finds you and family happy, well and somewhat cool!

    I have spoken to Morris from James Music and hope to head down there tomorrow to look at his recommended Yamaha CG171S . I can only try it out, although all the reviews look good. I don’t really like things brand new and especially have an aversion to glitzy gold brackets and white plastic pearl pegs. (Prefer good old brass, bakelite and chrome). However if the sound and feel is fab I shall just have to wear it.

    Any feedback from you most welcome and thanks for the recommendation. Look forward to visiting James Music tomorrow.

    Kind regards,


    • Hi Christina,
      Hope this finds you well.
      I am not particularly knowledgeable on this particular model but I can recommend Yamaha Guitars as performance-worthy instruments.
      I strongly suspect you will enjoy dealing with James Music as they are pretty honest.
      Feel free to keep in touch.

  104. Thanks so much Leigh for your wonderful news !!!! Daniel is so excited with that result he worked hard when pushed a little !!! Thankyou for your on going support and teaching . Daniel already playing us bits of Sweet home Alabama since yesterday !!! I think he’s really enjoying his new found confidence !!! Cheers Leigh have a lovely weekend chat soon .. Jane Warren Demi & Daniel

    • Hi Jane,
      94/100 is an outstanding result and I would like to thank you for your behind the scenes support.
      Daniel will receive the exam report sheet initially but there will also be an official certificate in due course. His results will go in the school newsletter.
      Once again, congratulations!

  105. Hi Leigh,
    Wow – that’s a very pleasant surprise! Thanks so much for the news but also for your dedicated coaching and tuition – I definitely couldn’t have done it without you!

    • Congratulations again on obtaining 89/100 Julian. This is an outstanding result and I would like to thank you for your hard work.

      You will receive the exam report sheet at your next lesson but there will also be an official certificate in due course.

      Once again, congratulations!


  106. Wow! That’s outstanding! Thanks for passing that on and thanks for giving her your support – she wouldn’t be able to do that without a good teacher!

    Thanks and have a great weekend!


    • Congratulations again to Sophie on her Distinction. She is a very talented and committed student.
      Thank you for your behind the scenes support Lou.

  107. Wow! Leigh. That’s fantastic.

    All credit to you. There is no way Jed would have practised as religiously as he has if it weren’t that he really enjoyed his lessons and playing.

    Thank you. This will definitely surprise him (as it has us) and will be good encouragement to keep up this high standard.

    Kind regards,

    • 94/100 is an outstanding result particularly for a first exam and I would like to thank you for your behind the scenes support Adele.

      Jed will receive the exam report sheet initially but there will also be an official certificate in due course. His results will go in the school newsletter.

      Once again, congratulations!


  108. Hi! Leigh, the attachment are the results of the practical examinations conducted
    Saturday 1st November 2014. Congratulations on the great results. The certificates will be forwarded from Sydney as soon as the the examination program is complete, they send all the certificates at the same time. Regards Alan West

    • Thanks Alan.
      It was a very successful day. The lowest grade was 80/100 and the highest 98/100!
      Thanks for putting me on to the IMEB Alan-they are a very professional examining body

  109. Love the photo attached…

  110. Dear Leigh,

    Thank you for your response to my classical guitar query and kind New Year wishes.

    I shall seek out James Music on your recommendation and look forward to this exploration taking into consideration all the points you have mentioned.

    See you on Sunday 18th of January at 10am.

    Happy New Year to you and yours,


  111. Hi Leigh,

    Just read your new post re above. Hope you Kathy and family had a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I liked the photo of the 3 Amigos with the Santa Hats! Just to prove I do look at your posts I had a bit of a chuckle at the typo error ” 12 steps to accelerate your guitar progress in 2105″ I will be 153 then and I think you and I along with Eric Clapton will be strumming away playing “Tears in Heaven” then. Hope you don’t mind my sense of humour?


  112. Hi Leigh,
    Hope you and family had a great Christmas…
    I am in the market for a new or good second-hand classical guitar and would value your advice on the make that would best serve my purposes for continued learning and singing accompaniment. As you know I have my old Cimar and would like something more inspiring.
    Any thoughts in your own time most welcome,
    Best regards,

    • Hi Christina,

      Thankyou for your email and Christmas greetings, and my best wishes for the upcoming year to you.

      I hope the following helps;

      1. A good quality 2nd hand classical guitar can take a while to find so be prepared to be patient. There is a lot of rubbish around which can be tempting because it is cheap but it really is best to stay away from.

      2. For many years students of mine have obtained what you are after from James Music 164 Sturt St City ph 82122806 (ring for opening hours). They know me well (so mention my name) and from time to time have good quality 2nd hand classical guitars. I have been going there myself for over 20 years as have my students, and they are very trustworthy Christina.

      3. To get the best tone make sure it has a “solid top”

      4. Consider whether you want it to plug in to an amplifier. This can be done by James Music or may already come installed.

      5. As a general rule, Yamaha Guitars are very good value for money.

      Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

      Finally, thankyou for taking lessons from me this year and congratulations on your achievements in such a short time. You are to be commended Christina on your engaging and enthusiastic approach to your lessons.

      See you in the New Year.



  113. Hi Leigh,
    Wow…are you sure that is not a typo? 🙂
    Good work to both of us and thanks for letting me know. I thought that I did enough to pass but that score is a surprise. 🙂

  114. Hi Luke,

    I have some good news!

    Congratulations on obtaining 94/100. This is an outstanding result for Grade 2 (particularly as you skipped two levels) and I would like to thank you for your hard work.

    You will receive the exam report sheet at your next lesson but there will also be an official certificate in due course.

    Once again, congratulations!


  115. Thanks Adam.

  116. Congratulations on those exam results Leigh – the students and parents will be deservedly proud.
    Cheers Adam

    Adam Hooper
    Director of Instrumental & Vocal Studies

  117. Thanks a lot Leigh..much appreciated

  118. Hi Mel,
    Merry Christmas to you.
    I have made a video of the piece you were after. I hope it helps. Please let me know if you require any other videos.
    Finally, thank you for taking lessons from me this year and congratulations on your achievements-some recent highlights were All My Loving from memory and a very competent performance of Lion King!
    I really appreciated your enthusiastic and engaging involvement in the WEA courses throughout the year.
    Keep up the good work Mel.
    Kind Regards.

  119. Hi Leigh,

    I would love to start straight away. If I could possibly book a time in on the Sunday 18th of January when best suits you and when you do go back to weekday lessons change to then.

    Kind regards

  120. Hi Ian,
    As good as this exercise is I advise against doing it at the moment.
    Instead, I encourage you to limit your bar-chords to 1 (2 at the most) per song. Eventually you will be able to tackle more bar-chords per song, including that fantastic exercise.
    Let me know how you go.

  121. Hi Leigh,

    Thanks for copy of song, I’ve just printed it off. Thanks for your comments about my playing also.

    Have a great Christmas and New Year.


    • My pleasure Jenny.
      Will be in touch with a Fleetwood Mac song for you as requested.
      Merry Christmas Jenny.

  122. G’day Leigh,
    I managed to be replaced – after some explanations – from my previous church Sundays’ 9.00 a.m. church duties, which I had volunteered for, before the latest W.E.A. Course Guide was published & distributed.
    Then the next day, I went to W.E.A. and enrolled for your forthcoming “Basic Guitar – No Frets…”
    So, I am counting the days to Sunday, the 1st. of February, 2015 @ 9.00 a.m. for your 1st. Tutorial, Maestro!
    Once again: A Very Happy Christmas to you & yours & a Happy & Prosperous & Healthy & Safe 2015.
    The ol’ bloke,

    • That’s great to hear Hugh.
      Merry Christmas mate.
      See you on Feb 1st.

  123. Hi Ros,
    I have just got home from teaching William to find the exam results have arrived.
    Could you please pass on my congratulations to William on obtaining 95/100. This is an outstanding result and I would like to thank you for your behind the scenes support.
    William will receive the exam report sheet initially but there will also be an official certificate in due course. His results will go in the school newsletter.
    Once again, congratulations!

  124. I would like to wish you and your family a very Merry Xmas and all the best for the New Year 2015 Cheers PGreen

    • Great to hear from you Peter.
      Merry Christmas to you.

  125. Greetings Leigh,
    Thanks for the .mov file. I’ve attached a copy of the chord progression that we discussed on Wednesday. Please advise me if I should have a crack at this. I’m looking forward to the 2015 barre chord challenge (I think).

  126. Thanks Leigh
    Will certainly try and keep the metronome busy !! 
    Jay says thanks for the music and Duane looks forward to his whenever it comes.
    We have certainly appreciated your tuition this year and look forward to seeing you in the new year!
    Best Regards
    Sandra Hack

    • Hi Sandra,
      Thanks for your email.
      Firstly, could you please ask Jay to print this song as discussed at his last lesson.
      Lastly, thank you for allowing me to teach Jay and Duane this year, and to Brent and yourself for the support you have given both boys-I really appreciate it. They are both to be congratulated on their achievements this year.

  127. Seasons Greeting to you and your family. China is fab!

    • Hi David,
      Thankyou for your email and Christmas greetings to you.
      My son is definitely enjoying China.
      Finally, thank you for taking lessons from me this year at the WEA and congratulations on your achievements David.

  128. Merry Christmas Leigh, and thank you for all your patient teaching this year. Elizabeth.

    • Hi Elizabeth,
      Thank you for your email and Merry Christmas to you
      Thank you also for taking lessons from me this year Elizabeth and congratulations on your achievements. I particularly enjoyed the 2 jigs you played at your last lesson as well as your consistent approach to taking risks with your playing.

  129. Hi Leigh,

    WOW…this is great news, we have just showed Jack this email and he was pretty chuffed! We are very proud of him and thankyou for being a good teacher.

    He played ‘Lanterns’ at his school concert the other night and also did it really well.

    Thanks again and we’ll see you next week.


    • Hi Jodie and Shane,
      98/100 is an outstanding result for two reasons. Firstly as it is Jack’s first exam and secondly his score was the highest on the day!
      I would also particularly like to thank you both for your behind the scenes support.
      Jack will receive the exam report sheet initially but there will also be an official certificate in due course.
      Once again, congratulations!

  130. Dear Leigh,

    Thank you for your courtesy & understanding.

    As the Frank Sinatra song goes: “It was just one of those things!”

    I also wish you + your Family, Rellies + Friends a Most Happy Christmas & a 2015 full of all the Good that you could wish for yourselves.

    84 towards the end of January….if I live that long….every morning is a bonus!

    I hope + pray that your students realize what a gem-of-a Guitar Instructor they have in you: otherwise beat them over the head with an A Major (is there such a thing? hahaha)

    I was “Santa” in 1986 in one of the superstores & when I got a “break,” which wasn’t often – all the children want Santa! – I came down from my throne in my “Lollies’ Castle” and always approached a “couple,” and I asked the man if I could have a dance with the Lady – the pipe music was great! – whom they were with….and was never refused! and never once was I reprimanded by the store’s management.

    Plain clothes’ detectives must have passed this info. onto their colleagues, because one day, 2 burly policemen in full uniform said: “Santa, we would like to sit on your knees & have a photo taken. Okay?”
    I was so amazed that I quickly nodded & said “Sure!”

    Then, as we were readying for the snapshot “the penny dropped,” and I said: “This is a dare, isn’t it? You guys have a notice on the bulletin board something to this wording:
    ‘We are hoping to have a snapshot taken
    on Santa’s knees, however it probably
    won’t be allowed.
    Any takers? $20.00 a signature.’ ”

    Like a bloody fool, I forgot to have a copy for myself.
    O, how those 2 coppers must have collected their ca$h! And I didn’t even get my 10%!

    So, “Ho! Ho! Ho!” & ENJOY!

    Santa Claus 1986.

  131. Dear Leigh,

    I was so looking forward to participating in your forthcoming “Basic Guitar” tutorials.

    However, I had previously volunteered for several church duties on Sundays @ Saint Francis Xavier cathedral near Vic. Sq., so I shall have to enlist for Colin Falconer’s tutorials instead, which I am sure shall be excellent, but, O, how I was looking forward to the fact that I would have been attending your courses.

    My Italian is inadequate, but I’m sure you’ll know the original Italian for the English of: “What will be, will be!”

    Slay ’em, Maestro, and I shall be with you all in spirit – preferably a “double Scotch!”

    “What will be, will be!”

    The Ancient One,
    Hugh W.

    • Dear Hugh,
      A belated-but none the less sincere-thankyou for your email.
      I’m really glad you keep in touch and always look forward to your emails!
      Hope fully one day we will be able to work together again.
      Merry Christmas Hugh.

  132. Hi Leigh,

    As we were discussing the other day, I have started working on Spanish Study…(I’ll have a go at Greensleeves at a later date)..and it’s going ok…beautiful, lilting melody…I love it..but I’m wondering if there is any way you could do a video of you playing it and send it to me, especially to get a better feel for the different volume changes and so that I’ve got a template to work on and refer to….I find your videos so useful. Otherwise, maybe we can do it next lesson…I think i will bring my nylon string next time or maybe both that and the steel string.

    Finally, Leigh, thanks for your guidance and patience this year…I know it is your job but you not only have great knowledge but also a warm, welcoming teaching style and manner that make me feel relaxed and valued and I appreciate that and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed going on this musical journey with you this year…I think I will go for a qualification next year just for the heck of it and so I have some goal to work towards…we’ll talk about that soon….and to you and your family, all the best for a relaxing, enjoyable Christmas/New Year season.



    • I will definitely make a video of Spanish Study and send it to you in the next day or two Mel.
      Thankyou for your positive comments, for taking lessons from me and congratulations on your achievements.

  133. Hi I am interested in learning electric guitar. Just enquiring about prices and program’s. Thanks


  134. Hi Mr Fopp I’m on

  135. Hi looking for a brush up on guitar and development of song writing skills enquiry about lessons prices etc

  136. My son is very interested in learning guitar. He has some experience in piano. He is ten yrs old. Can you please send me details of your program and pricing please. Thank you Anna.

  137. Dear Leigh,
    I’ve written this recommendation of your work to share on your website and with LinkedIn users.

    Details of the Recommendation: “Leigh is an Outstanding Musician and Guitar Teacher, and he works hard with his students in achieving fantastic Results.. I would have know hesitation recommending Leigh to any student, wishing to take up the Guitar..”
    Service Category: Guitar Teacher
    Year first hired: 2008 (hired more than once)
    Top Qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity

  138. Hi Leigh,
    Back from TQEH after being admitted last Sunday.
    Will email more when feeling better.
    P.S. Thanks for your king concern & email.

    • My pleasure Hugh.
      Look after yourself.
      Please keep in touch.

  139. Hi Leigh,
    Great expectations have been realized which has enriched humanity and even civilization. Music that great soother of the soul and spirit going back to the dawn of humanity. Thanks Leigh for birthing a new crop of musos. Allegra pui Troppo. Avanti Hurra for Music.
    Dario, budding guitarist and disciple of the Master

  140. Hi Leigh,
    I played to some friends after a dinner party on Saturday night for the first time ever …
    It went over pretty well and my wife Judy even enjoyed it too.
    Thanks a lot for your encouragement Leigh…

  141. Testimonial by Dr Phil Saj
    I commenced guitar lessons with Leigh in 2005, having made a general enquiry through the Australian Music Teachers Association. As it turned out, Leigh was also teaching at the School my son, Luca, was attending at the time, Immanuel Primary. So, together, Luca and I began, what has turned out to be a wonderful journey through guitar studies with Leigh. (Luca’s interest is in rock, while mine is in classical music.)
    Leigh is a highly effective guitar teacher. He holds high standards, but appreciates the challenges of those new to the guitar, often recalling his own experiences in mastering the instrument, and also providing examples from his continuing daily practice routines. Above all, Leigh’s love of music, sense of humour, and desire to see his students progress makes learning from him a relaxed and enjoyable experience.
    Under Leigh’s tuition, both Luca and I have successfully undertaken practical and theoretical studies through the Australian Guild of Music. Luca has done particularly well, attaining Distinctions or High Distinctions in every exam. In preparing us for the exams, Leigh leaves “no stone unturned”. As such, I have adapted a few of Leigh’s teaching strategies in the accounting courses that I deliver at university.
    For anyone considering the guitar, I have no doubt you can flourish with Leigh Fopp as your teacher.

  142. Hi Nanon,
    Thankyou for your comment and congratulations on your achievements over the last three years. I am proud to be the teacher of such a persistence and keen to learn student. One example is your theory exam in which you obtained 100% and another is your willingness to do the the next level theory exam later this year!
    I also like your attitude in that despite turning 80 this year you have such a high level of commitment!
    Well done Nanon.

  143. Leigh
    It is now a little over three years since we first met with you and began a very interesting journey together.
    Those years have been educational and have seen us cover quite a lot of territory, (with some of it being covered more than once, each time a little more slowly than before).
    The time has been very rewarding in the musical sense and we thank you for that but we both feel that we have learned and gained a lot in other ways as well.
    We have come to look upon you as a friend as well as a top class music teacher.
    More importantly, we have found you to be a most understanding and compassionate person, a man in whom we both feel we can place our full trust.
    Thanks Leigh for being the person you are, for your positive outlook and your understanding of the needs of others.
    We are looking forward to the rest of the journey

    Regards and a very Happy Christmas

    Nanon and Don

  144. Testimonial to Leigh Fopp

    I commenced Guitar lessons with Leigh in October 2006
    I’m getting a later start in life with my guitar (I’m in my late 60’s) with no legitimate playing experience. Fortunately I met Leigh at an introductory class through the WEA, and since commencing lessons with Leigh I’m having a great time learning to play the guitar. Initially I started learning chords and strumming but have recently added Classical Guitar to my playing. I am surely slower than most, with minimal rhythm and less than flexible digits, but Leigh always supports my efforts with unlimited patience, understanding, and enthusiasm. If only I could have begun these lessons with Leigh when I was a youngster, no doubt you would be listening to several of my CD’s nowadays. In addition to Guitar playing I also do music theory in lesson with Leigh and have voluntary sat two theory of music exams obtaining 100% on each occasion. I would recommend Leigh Fopp to any level of talent that wants to improve, and Leigh will show you the way. He is very accomplished at all the styles of guitar and has a wealth of knowledge of written music and instruction. Regardless of your skill level or musical taste, Leigh can provide you with quality, customized instruction. Not only is Leigh a great instructor, he is a decent, great guy.

    Lenore Roder

    • Hi Lenore, Glad to see that you have had the same experiences as me.

      You said….”I am surely slower than most, with minimal rhythm and less than flexible digits.”
      Sorry that can’t be right, I am the slowest learner he’s got, but I’m sure he enjoys the challenge 🙂

    • Thank you for your vote of confidence Lenore. You should be very proud of your results and progress. I am very pleased with your persistence and commitment. Well done and keep up the good work! …Leigh

  145. Sounds great !

    Steve Kinnear

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